Student Associations
The term 'BDX' in French refers to the following student associations which run the associative life on the campus. The events are organized for all students, but more specifically for those who paid their subscription.
BDE (Bureau Des Elèves)
It is an association that handles most of the associative life at Centrale Nantes. Their main task is to organise the student life at Centrale Nantes. They frequently organize social activities on campus, late evening chill-out sessions (soirees) and night outings (clubbing). Furthermore, they negotiate with the administration and handle club budgets on campus. In short, they offer many services to make your life on campus easier.
Additionally, they offer an option of buying tram tickets at reduced prices, photocopy cards, ECN accessories and so on.
The association managed by the BDE is called the AECN (Association des Etudiants de Centrale Nantes). The memberships allows you to benefit from many advantages : preferential rates for events, possibility to attend clubs dependant on the BDE and to be candidate for the BDE elections. The subscription is €50 for international students.
BDS (Bureau Des Sports)
The BDS is in charge of organizing sporting events inside and outside of school. Moreover, they give their members opportunities to compete against students from other schools and even from other countries.
To partake in sports on Campus, a joining fee of €70 is required (this is for the AS). This amount goes to the purchase of new sports shirts, new material or to the reduction of travel fees when games take place out of the school. A student can however opt not to pay the joining fee, and play sports in a club outside of the school.
BDA (Bureau Des Arts)
The BDA's role is to promote arts and culture inside the school by informing the students about activities and cultural events in the Nantes area through its website and social networks (activities such as film projections, club night, exhibitions and so on). They also offer reduced price tickets for cinema, theatre, and other creative spaces.
The subscription is included in the BDE's fee.