Health Insurance and Social Security
Three types of insurance are mandatory for international students in France, that is:
- Health: Social Security - Sécurite Sociale. Complementary health insurance - mutuelle - is also highly advisable.
- Civil liability - Responsabilité Civile.
- Housing Insurance (The "assurance logement") - more information is given on the Accommodation page.
Health: Social Security and complementary insurance
Social Security for non-European Students
If you are a non European student, you must sign up for French Securité Sociale coverage as soon as you arrive.
Social Security for European Students
If you are a European student, you first need to be covered by the health insurance from your home country. You will need to shoe your European Health Insurance Card when you register for French Sécurité Sociale.
To register for French Social Security
- Download the procedure to follow,
- Register on the website:,
- We strongly recommend that you complete this procedure as soon as possible after arrival.
Complementary Health Insurance ("Mutuelle")
"Sécurité Sociale" only covers 70% of all medical expenses. A mutuelle allows you get the extra 30% reimbursement (for medical consultations, medicine, etc). The LMDE is a provider for students who are under 28 years old, and CMU for students who are over 28 years old.
- More information on the Campus France website.
Civil Liability - Responsabilité Civile
Civil liability insurance is compulsory. It covers you for damage you cause to others in your private life and as part of your student activities.
You should note that civil liability coverage covers you against damages to third parties but not necessarily to yourself, so, remember to take out suitable health insurance.
Usually this insurance is included in the housing insurance. If not, LMDE is also a provider for this.
You should note that civil liability coverage covers you against damages to third parties but not necessarily to yourself, so, remember to take out suitable health insurance.
Usually this insurance is included in the housing insurance. If not, LMDE is also a provider for this.
International Relations Office